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Writer's pictureDr. Rob Williams

Keeping Our Wits About Us, Team Human! (FREE BOOKS and Critical Media Literacy Education Resources)

Welcome to Dr. Rob's Critical Media Literacy Resources (CMLE) page.

Below find decades of Critical Media Literacy Education (CMLE) distilled into a series of conceptual frameworks, used in conjunction with our two FREE e-books: 1) MEDIA MOJO: CommOn Power Tools + Simple Storytelling Strategies For Our Digital Age and 2) The (Post) Truth World: Fighting #FakeNews With A 21st Century 'Propaganda Model' For Our Digital Age.

Contact me (Rob at for more information about obtaining a free e-copy of either or both of these 2 books.

Unleash the creative powers of your Mind, Body, And Spirit.

#OYOME! Own Your Own Media Experience.

Three framing questions:

1. How do we honor individual #TeamHuman sapiens storytelling modes of communication over Big Tech's digitally surveilled "walled gardens"?

2. How do we elevate individual #TeamHUman sapiens storytelling production and publishing over consumerism and consumption?

3. How do we build #TeamHuman sapiens storytelling communities beyond Big Tech's digitally surveilled "walled gardens" (or "Roman Colosseums") ?

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