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MEDIA POWER TOOLS: Critical Thinking / Media Literacy Education In The Time Of COVID (FALL 2021)

Writer: Dr. Rob WilliamsDr. Rob Williams

Updated: Oct 26, 2021

Welcome to our "Critical Thinking In The Time Of COVID" course resources page.

Visit my project-oriented sister sites - Peak Flow Breathwork, Vermont Independent news journal, and Our Geoengineering Age climate change scientific research initiative - at the links above.

Thanks to our partners - Freedom Travel Alliance (FTA) and Urban Global Health Alliance.

Below find decades of Critical Media Literacy Education (CMLE) distilled into a series of conceptual frameworks, used in conjunction with our two FREE e-books: 1) MEDIA MOJO: CommOn Power Tools + Simple Storytelling Strategies For Our Digital Age and 2) The (Post) Truth World: Fighting #FakeNews With A 21st Century 'Propaganda Model' For Our Digital Age.

Contact me (Rob at for more information about obtaining a free e-copy of either or both of these 2 books.

Unleash the creative powers of your Mind, Body, And Spirit.

#OYOME! Own Your Own Media Experience.

Three framing questions:

1. How do we honor individual #TeamHuman sapiens storytelling modes of communication over Big Tech's digitally surveilled "walled gardens"?

2. How do we elevate individual #TeamHUman sapiens storytelling production and publishing over consumerism and consumption?

3. How do we build #TeamHuman sapiens storytelling communities beyond Big Tech's digitally surveilled "walled gardens"?

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